If you have ever changed jobs, there is a chance you left your retirement account behind. If you are changing jobs right now, you have some options about the company retirement account. You might want to get some good advice.
Are you changing jobs, retiring or is your company retirement plan shutting down? If the answer is yes to any of these, be sure the assets roll into an eligible retirement account instead of having them paid to you. That way you avoid any tax consequence. And the money continues to enjoy tax-deferred earnings.
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What does it take to retire at age 62?
You are eligible to receive reduced Social Security income benefits as early as age 62. What does it take to quit work and live off your investments at age 62? Most Americans start receiving Social Security checks at age 62, according to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. One problem for these folks is that they have accepted a 25 percent reduction in the size of their monthly check for the rest of their life.
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Retirement Planned Investment
Everyone hopes that at some point in their career, they’ll have enough financial stability to retire. Unfortunately, individuals are having to work longer than ever before because daily life is so expensive. There always seems to be expenses that hold you back from focusing efficiently on your retirement. Whether it be diapers, medical expenses, college loans, or your mortgage, the truth that people do not want to hear is that these types of expenses will always be around. So, how are you going to be able to retire with these expensive items always holding you back? Well, sometimes assistance is all that you need. At DunnCreek Advisors, we have a passion for helping individuals in St. Paul, MN with their retirement planned investments.Read Full Article
Extended Care Investment
No one wants to think about needing extended healthcare after retirement, but it’s an important factor in planning for retirement. Without setting aside funds for extended healthcare now, you may find that, when you’re in need of extended care in the future, you won’t have the funds or insurance to afford your healthcare needs on your own. Rather than leaving your healthcare to chance, come to DunnCreek Advisors to begin planning your investments in extended healthcare. Our St. Paul, MN extended care investment advisors can help you ensure that when you reach retirement, no matter what happens, you’re prepared for any healthcare needs you may have now or in the future.Read Full Article
Rebalancing Your Portfolio
Seeking advice when it comes to finances is a good idea, as long as you are seeking advice from the right individuals. Obviously, asking a gambler what you should do with your money is not the brightest of ideas. Instead, asking financial advisors who have years of experience and an education in finance is the right path. When it comes to your current investment portfolio, evaluating and rebalancing is something that should be considered and it’s not a process you should handle without financial guidance. If you are in the St. Paul, MN area, our team at DunnCreek Advisors provide trusted financial advice that can help you rebalance your existing portfolio. Read Full Article
What are the Differences Between a Roth IRA and Traditional IRA?
When it comes to planning for retirement there are a variety of ways that you can go about saving. If your employer offers a retirement plan and match, you should definitely take advantage of this opportunity. While becoming less common, some employers still offer pensions, which offer a guaranteed payout at retirement. However, if you …
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