When you’re thinking about your life in 10 year, 20 years, and maybe even in 30 years, you probably like to avoid thinking about your healthcare needs. For many of us, we want to focus on the life we’re living now, and we set aside a retirement fund that we can let grow without any substantial help from us. Unfortunately, there are some things you just can’t avoid thinking about, including extended care. When you’ve worked for years and enter retirement, if you plan on living a long life, you may also plan to live a healthy life. But what happens if you can’t? What happens if you need extended care and you haven’t planned for it? At Dunncreek Advisors, we want to help make planning for your life easier by offering you our financial advising services to help you invest in extended care today so that you won’t have to worry about your healthcare tomorrow. Our St. Paul, MN extended care investment advisors are here to help you choose the best planning and investing methods for your budget and lifestyle, ensuring that you have the best possible extended care investment plan possible.Read Full Article
Happy Birthday – Welcome to AARP
We are all getting older. Maybe you noticed. One rite of passage is the arrival of your AARP application on your 50th birthday. It’s a great wake up call to get your retirement in order.
It came in the mail. Just another envelope to process. But for some reason the letters AARP rang in my head – American Association of RETIRED Persons. You get the envelope around your 50th birthday. Once upon a time, 50 seemed OLD. Now — not so much.Read Full Article
It Pays to Understand Annuities
Annuities are a very popular retirement tool. Since they are contracts with an insurance company, they can sometimes be complicated. Here are 8 Tips to Find the Right Annuity.
When you reach a certain age, you are likely to get invitations to hear about LIFETIME INCOME plans that include a nice dinner and a sales pitch for a product, usually an annuity. The products often sound really great. And for many people, the idea of having SOME of their retirement money guaranteed not to go down, is very appealing.Read Full Article
myRA vs. Roth IRA: What You Need to Know about myRA
We have gotten several questions about the new retirement accounts introduced by the president during his State of the Union address in 2014. It’s always nice to have another retirement savings option, but for most of our clients, contributing to a traditional Roth IRA account is a better way to reach their savings goals. In the interest of keeping folks informed, I thought I’d pass along the following details on the myRA.Read Full Article
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