We are about three weeks into 2020. If you are like most Americans, you may have already given up on your New Year’s resolutions. About 40 percent of Americans set a resolution and about 60 percent of them fail within six months, according to University of Scranton psychology professor, John C. Norcross. Maybe this is …
financial plan
Scared to talk to a financial advisor? Here are 6 benefits of overcoming your fear.
If you are of a certain age, you recall the quote from Ronald Reagan: “The most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’” It’s sometimes the way people feel when they contact a financial planner. Are financial advisors worth it? A recent study shows that 71 …
Scared to talk to a financial advisor? Here are 6 benefits of overcoming your fear.Read More
Retirement is Dumb, Do I Still Need a Financial Plan?
When the Social Security program was initiated in 1935, the full benefits began at age 65. At that time, the average man could expect to live 12.7 years more (age 77.7) and the average woman could expect to live 14.7 (age 79.7) years more. Today, a man born in January of 1954 (age 65) can …
Retirement is Dumb, Do I Still Need a Financial Plan?Read More
Millennial Parents Are Different
I’m a baby boomer. I was born in 1962 during the trailing years of the baby boom and I was raised by parents who can remember the Great Depression (the one from the 1930s, not the one from 2008). My parents are savers. They saved for most big purchases and they both retired with a …
Should I own stock in retirement?
Some investors are concerned about the volatility of the stock market, yet all retired investors do better with investments that grow faster than the rate of inflation. Stocks have historically been the best asset class to keep ahead of inflation. What is a retired couple to do? What percentage of your portfolio should be in …