Humans make mistakes. And the Required IRA Distribution rules can be tricky, especially if you’re new to retirement distributions. So if you are better than 70 ½ years old and you own an IRA, you may want to review this list. Remember, the penalty for failing to meet your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) is a …
Tax savings for 2018
The new federal tax law takes effect for tax year 2018. One of the biggest changes is a near doubling of the standard deduction to $12,000 on single returns, $18,000 for head-of-household filers and $24,000 on joint returns. That’s up from $6,350, $9,350 and $12,700 in 2017. Individuals age 65 or older and blind people …
What You Should Know About Your Life Savings
Lately, I’ve been hearing some confusion on the part of folks I’ve been talking to about their financial goals. For example, a person said to me, “I’m not sure I want to save money into my IRA this year because I think the stock market will fall soon and I don’t want to lose my …
Why Bother with an IRA in 2019?
You probably hear from different sources that you should consider funding an IRA, but you may be wondering, why bother? Here are four good reasons: You can still contribute for tax year 2018 up to $5,500 or $6,500 if you’re better than 50 years old. You have until tax filing day in April 2019 to …
What’s a Roth IRA?
At year end, it’s time to think about topping off your IRA and most people should be thinking about their Roth IRA. Choosing between a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA can have major tax and estate planning implications. A traditional IRA has long been a favorite of people looking to save a little extra for retirement …
Where is My Old 401(k)?
Almost 12.5 million Americans change jobs every year, according to Retirement Clearinghouse via Forbes, and have to figure out what to do with a company-sponsored retirement account. If you are like a lot of people, most of your job changes have come at a hectic time. Either you left on your own because of a …