It’s a simple question with a not so simple answer. Today, as most workers approach the Retirement Red Zone (the 5 years leading up to retirement and the 5 years after), they are faced with challenges. No longer can they count on the company pension to provide a steady income for life after they stop …
Do I Need a Financial Advisor?
It’s a good question. But the answer is like a lot of financial planning advice: unsatisfying. That’s because the only truthful answer is: it depends. So how do you know if you need a financial advisor? Here are some questions that may help you find your answer: Do you need help tracking your monthly finances? …
Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA
The Roth IRA is turning 20 this year. For some of us, it’s still a new idea while for others, it’s been a fixture of their entire investing life. Whatever your perspective, it’s a great tool and it’s been used a lot. Roth IRAs currently hold more than $660 billion in assets, according to the …