When planning for retirement, there are several factors to consider when creating a realistic retirement plan. While it used to be easy to predict how your retirement would work, these days, it’s not so simple. Many of us have been used to thinking that we should graduate college in our twenties, begin working, start our families in our thirties with an established career, and retire in our sixties. For some, this may be exactly how retirement happens. For others, retirement, and in fact their entire lives, will be much different than this image of ideal retirement and life planning. Don’t worry, though; no matter how unpredictable your career or personal life may be, by planning for your retirement now, you can be sure that you make the right financial decisions today that will ensure a successful retirement down the road. At DunnCreek Advisors, our St. Paul, MN retirement advisors want to help you create a realistic retirement plan for your future. To begin planning your retirement, ask yourself the following four questions:Read Full Article
retirement planning
4 Tips to a Happy Retirement
As you approach your transition out of the working world you will face your one-and-only retirement. Here are four things to beware about.
As a fiduciary, fee-only financial planner in St. Paul, I have helped dozens of people prepare for retirement. As I have gone through the process with clients, I noticed a four things that keep coming up.
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Are You Making One of These 6 Retirement Errors?
It might surprise you the mistakes that can derail your retirement plan.
Retirement planning can be a tricky area to navigate because it involves hundreds of rules, and violating them can result in unnecessary taxes and penalties. It’s no surprise that many retirees have made costly errors in their golden years. It’s just another reminder about the benefits of an independent, fee-only, fiduciary financial planner. Read Full Article
Counting Down to Retirement
In order to be successful in retirement start early and count it down carefully.
10 Years Out from Retirement
When you get within 10 years of your target retirement date, it’s close enough to be real. Read Full Article
Five Keys to Winning the Retirement Game
Whether you are 65 or 35, these keys will help you lay the groundwork for a retirement plan that wins for you.
Things just aren’t like they used to be. No more of simply graduating high school and off to the factory. Then 40 years later, retire on a pension, company health insurance and golf 3 times a week. We are all more engaged in making a plan for our own retirement. Read Full Article
Should You Tap Retirement Savings to Fund College?
Many parents wonder whether they should use retirement funds to pay for college for their children. If your child is looking at attending college in the near future and you’re looking for ways to help your child with their college expenses, you may be planning to dip into your retirement fund. But is this the best financial decision for you and your family? Although 30 percent of parents intend to use their retirement funds to pay for their children’s college education, this isn’t the right course of action for all parents. At DunnCreek Advisors in St. Paul, MN, we want to be sure that you make the right financial decision for you and your family, and we’ll help you evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of funding a college education with retirement savings. When you’re trying to decide whether to fund your child’s college education with your retirement savings, consider the following three factors:Read Full Article