On April 29, the Bureau of Economic Analysis released an advance estimate of U.S. economic growth in the first quarter of 2020. The estimate showed a decline of 4.8 percent for the quarter. Remember that this analysis is based on incomplete data and will be revised over time as more information is confirmed. And remember …
Reasons for optimism in today’s market climate
It continues to be crazy time in America. In Minnesota, we have a “stay at home” order in place. No school for the kids. No face-to-face meetings. No in-person church. Things are challenging. We still don’t know exactly how the Great Pandemic of 2020 will turn out. Our first priority is to defeat the COVID-19 …
Four great COVID-19 financial resources
I’m sure that you are dealing with ongoing uncertainty due to the global impact of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Whether you’re concerned about your health, your employment, your loved ones, your retirement, or all of the above, it can be hard to take in all the news that’s out there while remaining calm and focused. If …
Does Social Security ever contact you by phone?
I’m hearing more about telephone scams where the scammer is pretending to be a government employee. Scammers will try to scare and trick people into giving them their personal information and money. The scammers may threaten victims or their families and may demand immediate payment to avoid arrest or other legal action. What should I …
Three ways a presidential election affects investments
Regular readers of this space know that the economic experts I trust are confident that we are on the cusp of a recession. The coming recession is a real challenge to your financial goals over the next 12 months. A recession is negative Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth for two quarters or more. You may …
Three ways a presidential election affects investmentsRead More
What happens if my financial advisor dies?
I was talking with a client recently and was reminded of how important a business succession plan can be. My client called to talk to her trusted personal banker at the local bank. She was told that he had retired. She was directed to a replacement banker and she left a voice mail. A week …